How is it almost November?

October has flown by for us! Pete had a two week trip for work, so Andrew and I spent some time in Cottonwood.

We helped my Mom and sister pick 100 pumpkins!

Andrew chased Sadie around.

And vice versa.

We were sent back with a container of field corn for Andrew to play with.  He spent a long time combining the floor.

A few days after Pete returned and it was MEA weekend.  Pete had submitted a video to a contest and won a trip to Calgary!  Andrew went to spend a few days with Grandpa and Grandma Schneider and Pete and I were able to spend some time together.  Although, after the riding the tram at the airport at MSP, we both were wishing that would would have brought Andrew with.  I think we said it about 30 times that first day…then we realized how much more we could explore on our own!

The second day we were up early and drove to Lake Louise and Banff.  It was much colder than what we expected, but the views made up for it.

Andrew wanted to go trick-or-treating after his nap today, so we held him off by having him cut out pictures of toys that he likes.

Pete and him headed out just a bit ago, while I hold down the fort and eat pass out candy.

Happy Halloween!

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